
No matter your career level or area of experience, there is a committee for everyone within Metro NYSAE.

Volunteering to serve through committee membership is a rewarding experience that allows you to make connections, learn more about the association community, and help direct the future growth of the organization. Metro NYSAE relies on enthusiastic, talented members to do the necessary work that keeps the organization running. Volunteering is a benefit of membership. You need to be a dues-paying member to volunteer on a committee. Join now.  

How to Get Involved

  1. Build your knowledge and your network. Attend Metro NYSAE programs and events at reduced member rates, or FREE, and meet your peers while hearing new ideas and sharing yours.
  2. Help yourself and your association. Get free advice from a subject matter expert at Office Hours.
  3. Be informed with InView. Stay current with industry, Metro NYSAE, and member news.
  4. Be recognized, or recognize a colleague, with a nomination for a Synergy Award. Self-nominations are welcome.
  5. Share your knowledge and expertiseSubmit a proposal for a future event or program, or propose an article for InView. 
  6. Let us serve you better. Update your member profile, or locate colleagues in the Member Directory.
  7. Enhance your leadership skills and be part of a team. Join a committee.

All Metro NYSAE Committees

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, led by the Chair and executive committee, are responsible for directing the organization, its finances and resources. All committees report up to a board liaison.

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee develops categories and criteria for the Synergy Awards. The committee actively identifies qualified applicants and seeks nominations for all awards. The Awards Committee evaluates all nominees and makes honoree recommendations to the Board of Directors.  (Meets 3-4 times per year.)

Executive Women in Nonprofits

An exclusive support network of high-level women leaders and decision makers from associations and not-for-profits around the NY metropolitan area. EWIN is for networking, fostering dialogue, discussion and debate around critical business issues, sharing high-level interests, practices, operations and trends. The forum meets 2-3 times a year, EWIN is a valuable platform and targeted program for all women leaders.

Education Committee

Determines the educational needs of members and potential members and provides opportunities to address those needs. The committee, which includes the chairpersons of the Professional Development, Technology and CAE Career Enrichment Committees, is responsible for determining the vision for educational efforts, providing oversight of allied committees in program design and implementation and identifying and addressing any shortcomings in educational efforts. (Meets 6-8 times per year)

Meet NY Committee

Advises and counsels the Board of Directors and staff on plans for the annual Meet NY. Reviews and makes recommendations on all arrangements, including program, promotion, message, and theme. Develops recommendations and procedures directed toward member participation improving exhibit segment of program and assists in selling exhibit space. Works closely with Metro NYSAE staff on all aspects. (Meets 4 times per year.)

Membership Engagement Committee

Steadily increases the membership of the organization with an emphasis on expanding participation of association executives, managers and CEOs and staff in not-for-profit organizations. Attracts and retains a membership with emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Assures that all members feel welcome. (Meets 4-6 times per year.)

Metro NYSAE currently has the following opportunities available:

Membership Engagement Committee

If you’re passionate about Metro NYSAE and are excited to introduce people to the organization, then the Membership Engagement Committee would be a great fit for you! Committee members are responsible for helping to recruit new members, retain members, and act as ambassadors who help new and potential members find their plac.

The Synergy Awards Committee

Chairs: Annette Homan, RIMS and Diane Tiberio, American Pet Products Association

This committee works on the  awards program that is produced during the fall months. You will work with a small team of volunteers and board members responsible for reviewing nominations and assembling the slate of honorees. 

Education Committee

This committee develops and produces relevant programming targeted to our three (3) main audiences, c-suite/senior executive level, mid-career/directors and managers, and emerging leaders/young professionals. Metro NYSAE’s programs and special events are designed to educate, empower, and connect association executives at all stages of their professional development.

AI Task Force

Chair: Dr. Robert Spangler, Asst. Executive Director, New Jersey State Bar Association

The AI Task Force was established to guide the association in understanding, implementing, and leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and best practices.  This group serves as an expert member resource for trade associations and professional societies in the Metro New York area. It fosters collaboration with other member-based associations as needed to provide educational resources and training programs on AI technologies and best practices.

Interested in Joining a Commitee?

Please fill out the Committee Volunteer form.

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