Newsletter Submissions
InView, published bi-weekly, is the publication of New York Society of Association Executives (NYSAE).
InView, published bi-weekly, is the publication of New York Society of Association Executives (NYSAE). There are many ways to be a part of the newsletter. Writing an article is a rewarding way to contribute to the association community while enhancing your own professional development. Readers often appreciate how-tos, recommended resources, charts, checklists, case studies, tables or diagrams, quotations, or points highlighted for emphasis. If statistics or quotes are used to illustrate a point, the source should be mentioned within the text. Members and non-members are encouraged to submit articles of interest directly to for consideration. Personal transitions from NYSAE members such as promotions, new jobs, marriages, babies, awards, etc. are also welcomed. Accompanying digital photos and other artwork are strongly encouraged. All articles, transitions and photos are subject to editing, available space, and the acceptance policy.
How to Submit:
Deadlines: InView accepts submissions on a rolling basis throughout the year via email. InView newsletters run bi-weekly, and the deadline for submissions is the Tuesday before an article is due. For any questions about submitting content, or general inquiries about the newsletter, please contact
Here are a few tips:
Please make sure your topic speaks to our primary audience of association or not for profit executives. Write from your experience. Choose a topic you feel comfortable talking about. Make it practical and informative.
Please note: We will not accept promotional articles. We welcome submissions by industry partners and consultants with association management expertise to share. We will not publish articles that focus primarily on an author’s company, product, or service.