Recognizes outstanding service on a NYSAE Committee or Special Interest Group demonstrating team leadership either as a chair, vice chair, past chair, participant, or liaison, and is a contributing member of multiple NYSAE committees that promote the purposes of NYSAE and benefit its members.
The criteria for this award are:
Nominees for the Volunteer of the year award must be a current regular or associate member of NYSAE. The nominee must demonstrate achievements as a committee leader or outstanding team member in developing and/or executing programs and projects that promote the purposes of NYSAE and that benefit its members.
The nominee must serve as a leader and mentor to the association management community and its partner suppliers and acts as a role model for NYSAE members.
Past Recipients:
- 2019 Maura Regan
- 2018 Eileen Arnold
- 2017 Donna J. Kelley, CMP, CASE
- 2016 Robert Spangler
- 2015 Brian Kell
- 2014 Holly Koenig
- 2013 Jennifer A. Ian, MBA
- 2012 Kathleen Brown, MPA, CAE
- 2011 Lee Hornstein
- 2010 Michael Cummings
- 2010 Judy Sanford Guise, MSW, CAE
- 2009 Denman Wall
- 2008 Andrew Steggles
- 2007 Carol White Llewellyn, CAE
- 2006 Jeffrey P. Fagan, CMP, CASE
- 2005 Michael McGough
- 2004 Michael Faulkner, CAE
- 2003 Hallie Sherck, MA, CAE
- 2002 Diane Feirman, CAE
- 2001 Edward H. Gordon
- 2000 Kathleen Brown, CAE
- 1999 Michael Hausman, CHSE, CMP
- 1998 Linda Ferm, CAE
- 1997 Mimi Eckert, CAE
- 1996 David Teisler, CAE
- 1995 Paul Basista, CAE
- 1994 Candis Paule-Riggs
- 1993 Marsha S. Block, CAE
- 1992 Thomas W. Estler, CAE
- 1991 Robert O. Lehrman
- 1990 Vincent Grandinetti, CHSE
- 1989 Wells B Jones, CAE, CFRE
- 1988 Edward A. Kippel, CAE
- 1987 Nicole Millman-Falk, CAE
- 1986 Suzanne R. Bliss and Iris Gross, CAE
- 1985 Tricia Irmen
Submit a Nomination Today!
Submit your nomination for the Volunteer of the Year Award today and celebrate their achievements!
(Self nominations are encouraged.)